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13th March 2025 

Professional Qualifications

M.A. (Psychotherapy)

M.A. (Ed.)

UKCP (United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapists) registered adult psychotherapist

BPC (British Psychoanalytic Council) registered adult psychotherapist

TSP Member (Tavistock Society of Psychotherapists)

TPPS Member Private Referral Service for Tavistock-trained psychotherapists

ADIP (Advanced Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy)

Parent-Infant Psychotherapist ( The Anna Freud Centre )

I have undertaken two long and and intensive adult trainings (amounting to 8.5 years) which have resulted in registration with two of the most highly regarded psychotherapy organisations: British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC), having trained at the Tavistock Centre, and United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). Both entail extensive academic and clinical training.

I have gained my clinical experience in the NHS (St. Bartholomew's Hospital School of Psychological Medicine; Edgware Community Hospital, Psychological Therapies Service; The Tavistock Clinic and the Central Middlesex Hospital). This has equipped me to listen, analyse, reflect on, and explore with you, the themes and patterns that may be preventing you from moving forward or causing you distress.

I am also a trained Psychoanalytic Parent-Infant Psychotherapist (Anna Freud National Centre for Children & Families),  treating women with perinatal mental health issues and mood disorders and working with them together with their infants to support attachment and bonding. One of my roles is as a parent-infant psychotherapist in a perinatal mental health charity. I have also worked in an NHS Mother & Baby Unit (MBU) with acute cases.

I am an infant-Observation Seminar Leader on the Masters Programme at the Anna Freud Centre (in collaboration with UCL) and the IAPT-CYP Programme (in collaboration with King's College ) as well as the Sino-British Project.

I am a Visiting Lecturer at the Tavistock Clinic.

My 8.5 year training at different institutions informs my work, enabling me to draw from a number of schools of psychotherapeutic thought. However, I predominantly work psycho-dynamically and harness psychoanalytic thinking. This means there is a focus on the way early experiences impact on current functioning and the way the unconscious can influence behaviour. I have also trained integratively so understand a number of different approaches to therapy. I abide by the code of ethics of my registering bodies, I have worked with a wide range of issues, most notably, depression, anxiety, sexual and emotional abuse, family relationships, bereavement and loss, trauma, self-esteem and life-stage transitions, sexual orientation issues, peri- and post-natal depression, adaptation and parenting issues.

My first career was in teaching and special needs education and this helps inform my understanding of the issues parents confront and the challenges and struggles in one's own and one's children's lives and development.